Thursday 31 January 2013


Here are your spellings for this week. Good luck!


Today we read THE MOST beautiful book.  It is called 'Beegu' and is written and illustrated by Alexis Deacon.  

You can share the book at home with your parents by clicking on the link below.  

For your homework this week we would like you to be able to re-tell the story.  You could do it by speaking, using the slideshow to help you, or you could re-tell it by writing it in your homework book.  When we re-tell stories in class we often use actions to help us remember the most important parts. 

Near the end of the book you will find a speech bubble that looks like this:

The speech bubble has little pictures that re-tell the story from Beegu's point of view.  These might help you with your speaking or writing.  Be ready to either show your writing or briefly re-tell the story to your class teacher by Wednesday 6th February.  Have fun!

Wednesday 30 January 2013

1EG Homework Heroes!

Wow! Miss Gavin is so proud of all the children in her class who have been doing some super duper homework! Look how well we did solving the addition problems using a number line - it is fantastic to see so many of you challenging yourselves.

We have also written some brilliant descriptions of what we can see out of our windows which we really enjoyed sharing with our class alien.

Friday 25 January 2013


Here are your new spellings for this week. Can you remember the action for the 'igh' sound? Keep up the hard work.

Thursday 24 January 2013

Dedicated to our spellings!

Miss Jenkins is feeling really proud! Not only do most of her class get 10/10 each Wednesday but also, two children have shown an extra bit of effort!

Tomas, who is in Norway with his family has been emailing his spellings across weekly! What a star. We are looking forward to Skyping him soon so perhaps could even do a live test!

Daphne was off school poorly on Wednesday but did her spelling test at home! Her Dad also had a go but Daphne managed to beat his spelling score! Daphne's Mum even fashioned her, her very own 'spelling superhero' cape.

What dedication! Thank you super duper children!

Our planet designs

Today we learnt about some of the other planets in our solar system. We talked about what they look like and described the surface of some from looking at pictures.

Then we used oil pastels to design our own new planets. We thought about warm and cold colours and used our fingers to blend and make swirling shapes!

Monday 21 January 2013

Begbrook information texts

Our poor alien wrote us another message this morning...

.loohcs ruoy tuoba nrael ot tnaw I

Can you decode it?!

He is feeling a bit lost and wants to find out all about Begbrook. We took photos of different places and objects around school so we could tell him some facts about them. Here is our information for the alien...

There's no day like a SNOW DAY!

We had such a lovely time in the snow on Friday!  It took us nearly an hour to get on our gloves, hats, scarves, coats, and boots but when we finally got outside we had a wicked time.  We worked in teams to build snowmen and then had a huge snowball fight! 

Thursday 17 January 2013

Excited teachers!

Oh my goodness we are so proud of you!

Today Year 1 did the most amazing writing about the alien landing.  We loved your capital letters, finger spaces, full stops, exciting words and so many super ideas.

Look at these wonderful recounts:


 Abdul Aziz






We would love to know what you think of our writing.  Why not write a comment for us to see? 

Home learning

We are VERY excited about our alien who landed on Monday!  We don’t know yet where he has come from but we do know that he is
new to our planet Earth.  We need to teach the alien all about where we live.

At home please find somewhere to sit where you can see out of a window.  What can you see?  Please record in your homework books what you can see.  You might want you can see or write about it.  You could even take a photo or collect things like leaves that you can see.                                

Here is Mrs Plowman's homework:

This is the view from my bedroom.

I can see green hills with cows far away on them.  There are lots of houses with trees which have no leaves on.  Behind my green grassy garden there is a grey tarmac road.  Maybe when I wake up tomorrow I will see some snow!

We can’t wait to tell the aliens all about where we live next week. 


Well done Year 1, we can tell lots of you have tried really hard to practice your spellings again.

Mrs Plowman was really impressed with Kelsie and Miss Gavin can't believe Kyla got ten out of ten again!

Good luck with your spellings this week.

Wonderful 1MP Winter Homework

We all "oohed" and "aahed" at the lovely winter box writing which we shared with the class.  They made us feel very snuggly and ready for lots of snow this weekend!

Here are some examples...

We were also impressed by lots of number sentences like this one.