Thursday 19 July 2012


Today DJ Bags of Fun came to our school for our end of term disco.  We danced with Nursery, Reception and Year 2.  We learnt some new dances and heard some of our favourite songs!

Here are the photos of some of our dancing (they are a bit blurry because we were doing lots of dancing!)

Have a wonderful summer holiday and we can't wait to see you all in Year 2 xxx

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Summer Diary

Summer 2012 Holiday Book

Today you took home your special holiday book! This book is for you to write in during the summer holidays and to share with your Year 2 teachers in September. 

In class you have started your books by writing about your new Year 2 class and a diary page about your last week in Year 1. 

Can you write a short diary entry twice a week (or more!) about your holidays?  You could even include photos and pictures.  In the front of your diary there is a list of key words to practise reading and writing during the summer. 

In your diary there is also a maths book for you to do at home.  It does not have to be done in one go you might like to do a page a week! 

Last week Meg from the library talked to us in assembly about Story Lab, the summer challenge to win a medal by reading 10 books from the library.  Mr Cruickshank always says that reading is the most important homework, you could write a short book review of the books you have read in your diary.

If it rains lots in the summer why not look at these websites: (reading and maths) 

Finally…have a lovely summer, have lots of fun.  We can’t wait to see you in Year 2!

Here are our front covers!

We have written our first diary entry.

We have stuck in a photo of our new class ready for Year 2!

Friday 13 July 2012

Olympic Sports Kit

This morning we worked with the children who will be in our Year 2 class.  We were set the challenge of making a life-size skeleton of ourselves by measuring the length of our head, neck, shoulders, arms, tummy, and legs. 

Look how we got on:

We measured...

Ashley measured Tommy:

 Arij measured Alex:
Yolanda measured Lucy:
Angus measured Uzayr:
 Adam measured Uzair:

and cut the paper to the right size...
Look at our skeletons!  Can you guess who is hiding behind them?

Here are the skeletons of the new 2CC!

We also designed our own sports kits based on flags from countries competing the the Olympic games.

We had lots of fun and made lots of new friends!

Saturday 7 July 2012

No homework or spellings!

You have worked so hard this week and seemed so tired that we have decided not to give you any homework or spellings to learn. If you would like to practise at home then you could write your own penguin or lion hunt story using the repeated words but choosing a different animal and setting. You could also practise your times tables.

 Don't forget to read your books though! On Thursday Meg talked to us in assembly about the library challenge. Why not go to your local library and borrow a book? You could even take part in the Reading Lab Challenge! 

Have a lovely weekend!

Friday 6 July 2012

We're Going on a Penguin Hunt!

We have written some of our own stories like the Bear and Lion Hunt!  We used a contrasting setting and went searching for a penguin!

We made icy, sparkly settings from collage!

We described each part of the setting using adjectives.

Our settings had igloos, icebergs, seals, snowstorms, and snow caves in them!

We improved the language from the story and added in new adjectives and verbs.  We could then say our story aloud with actions to help us!

Here is the front cover for Ruby's Penguin Hunt book.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Our new outdoor reading summer house!

We are so lucky; on Monday some helpful people came from BT and built us a reading hut in our outdoor space!  They even made drapes and cushions so it is gorgeous and cosy!

Here are some pictures of us in it sharing some books!

Yummy food tasting!

Mr Long came to visit today.  He is a teacher from Fairfield Secondary school.  He brought us different foods from around the world to taste. 

We tasted soda bread from Ireland.  Connor said "It tastes like I have never tried it and I like it!"

Some of us enjoyed it and some of us did not.  We had to rate it on a smiley face chart!

"It doesnt have a normal bread flavour."

We tried feta cheese from Cyprus!  "It is so salty!"

We talked about how important it is to try all sorts of foods.  It makes eating so exciting!

Here we are trying dark chocolate with adde chilli!  Most of us loved it!  "I liked it cuz it was spicey!"