Friday 21 December 2012

Mid Winter Maths Challenge

On your topic reports you have been given your next steps.  We       
would like you to practise these at home.
During the holidays we would like you to challenge yourself and your family. 
Start by thinking of a number. (e.g. 10)
Now add 1. (e.g. 11)
Now take away 1. (e.g. 10)
Now add 10. (e.g. 20)
Now take away 10. (e.g. 10)
Can you write each one in a number sentence in your book?
What is the highest number you can start on and still be able to add and take away one and add and take away 10?

Classroom swap

Yoyo "It's just perfect!"

Maisie "I like the role play corner because its fun to play with!"

Shamer "I love this room, it's got loads of toys"

Ethan "In the book corner I liked the dinosaur books."

Max F "We played with the dominoes and knocked them over!"

Jacob "I like the toilets because they're big!"

Sienna "I like the classroom because its tidy and easy to put things away!"

Kelsie "We're so close to the fountain water"

Joshua "We've got a lower whiteboard so we can reach it to play on."

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Literacy Home Learning

Year One Literacy Home Learning

For your home learning this Christmas we would like you to write us a Winter poem.  We would like you to imagine all of the wonderful wintery things that we could treasure in a special box.  

The poem could be based around the one by Kit Wright called ‘My Magic Box’. 

Here is an example written by your Year 1 teachers:

My Winter Box

I will put in the box…
Silent snow falling from dark skies
A crunchy carrot nose from a snowman
The warming steam rising from my hot chocolate as I sip carefully

I will put in the box…
The tingling tips of fingers in woollen gloves
Smoke rising lazily from my chimney
The sound of melting ice dripping from the rooftops

Write your poem in your new homework book.  If you are feeling creative you could even draw pictures to go with it or make a magical box filled with objects that remind you of winter!

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Christmas dinner

Turkey, gravy, roast potatoes, carrots, sausages, and no brussel sprouts! Delicious! We've just eaten our yummy Christmas lunch! Here are some photos of us munching.

Gorgeous Christmas reindeers

We are getting ready for our Christmas lunch. Yum! We have made Rudolph hats with shiny red noses. Our handprints made the antlers. Pictures of us eating to follow...

Monday 17 December 2012

Potato printing

Look at our lovely potato print wrapping paper. We created patterns of snowmen and Christmas trees. We bet you can't wait to get your presents from us!

Friday 14 December 2012

Gingerbread cards

Yum yum! Today we made our Christmas cards. We created gingerbread cottages using real sweets! We also added sparkly glitter and candy canes. We will be writing in them and sending them out next week along with some other treats!

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Paper chain decorations!

This morning we are making paper chains to decorate our classrooms and make them festive! We are trying to create repeating patterns using different colour paper.

Josie "mine goes blue, yellow, blue yellow..."

Yoyo "it's blue green orange, blue green orange!"

Isla "mine is the longest at the moment!"

Sam " lets join them and make it super long!"

We love making decorations!

Thursday 6 December 2012

Maths measuring

In our maths learning this week we have been exploring different units of measurement. He got messy and used painty hands to see how long objects were. We made towers of cubes to count how tall objects were and some of us even started to use rulers o measure in cm.

Who is the tallest person in your family?

How tall are they?

Have a go at using different objects to measure at home!

Super Spellings

The children are doing so well with their spellings! Here are some photos of year one homework heroes for this week. Keep up the hard work! Well done.

Your new spellings contain the o_e split digraph.