Friday 27 April 2012


Here are our spellings for the week.  You will be tested on Wednesday 2nd May!



Why not try writing them in something gooey like shaving foam or flour and water?

Dinosaurs, Dinosaurs, and more Dinosaurs...

We have been very busy learning with our dinosaurs.  Adam made a dinosaur finger puppet and wrote great speech bubbles for it:

Yesterday we learnt to make levers.  We all made a dinosaur with moving legs, head and tails.

Today we asked our dinosaurs questions.  Here are some of our favourites:

How loud is your roar? (Ruby)
How do you balance? (Samuel)
Can you tell me what your dinosaur looked like? (Ashton)
Where did that come from? (Raahil)
What do you eat? (Isabelle)
Is the dinosaur stomping? (Fen)
Is it fierce? (Emily)
How did you get here? (Tommy)
How did you grow so big? (Adam)
How did you make a big loud roar? (Khalid)

Can you ask the dinosaurs a question?

Baby Mrs Plowman

I loved seeing Miss Jenkins and Miss Morton as babies so here I am as a baby with my big brother.  I am wearing a dress knitted by my Grandma!

Wednesday 25 April 2012


Did you hear laughing this evening?  It might have been Miss Jenkins and Mrs Plowman looking at your homework!  Tommy made Mrs Plowman laugh a lot by writing funny speech bubbles for Harry and the Bucket Full of Dinosaurs:

Isabelle used speech marks :
The dinorsaur said "raaah".  Mr Drake shouted "I'm just getting the things ready Harry".

Can you write any sentences with speech marks?  We would love to see them!

Tuesday 24 April 2012


"You can make lots of words with this wheel using consonant blends."  Aurora

"I wrote 19 words on my whiteboard!" Brandon

"I wrote 25 words!" Leo

"This afternoon we did some rubbings using pastels to make dinosaur skin!"  Isla

 "The velcro made a bumpy pattern."  Tamara

"Here is our Bumposaurus with lots of bumpy skin textures!"  Fred

Monday 23 April 2012

Baby Miss Morton

I can beat your handmade dress Miss Jenkins!  Look at my fancy hand knitted jacket and hat.  It's got frills and everything! I don't look very pleased with it though!

What colour were dinosaurs?

We don't know! Experts say that alot of dinosaurs must have been neutral colours like some of the big mammals we have today.  The children in Year 1 discussed that dinosaurs were probably greens, browns, and earthy colours so that they camouflaged into their natural habitat. 

We had a go at mixing some of our own dinosaur colours this afternoon. 

 Jessica's spotty dinosaur.
 Here are Erin's fantastic dinosaur colours. 

Saturday 21 April 2012

Baby Miss Jenkins!!


I'm home at my Mum's for the weekend and thought I would be a good girl and do my homework!  Here are some photos of me as a baby and a little girl!

Aged 1 with my Mum in the garden.
Wearing a dress made by my Mum aged 14 months.

With a groovy hairstyle aged 4!

First school photo in reception!

On my 6th birthday!

Friday 20 April 2012

Busy week

Wow what a busy week!  We have learnt so much about dinosaurs and plants already and are very excited about how much you have been finding out at home as well.

Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to more exciting learning next week.

Mrs Plowman, Miss Jenkins and Miss Morton.

PS can you guess who is hiding behind this dinosaur mask?

Thursday 19 April 2012

Thursday 19th April- NEW SPELLINGS!

Here are your spellings this week!  
We will be testing you next Wednesday and have already been practising in class this morning.  
Your sound this week is the 'or' sound.  There are 4 different ways to spell it! Remember the action and show someone at home.  

Choose the colour spellings you normally do below:



Kacper and Tammy shave been writing their spellings on dinosaur shapes!

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Wednesday 18th April

Another busy day today!

We started the day exercising in PE.  This morning we also thought about ways in which we are special.

Did you know how special Oscar is?

This afternoon we found out lots of information about dinosaurs and made our own dinosaur posters for our classroom. 

Did you know that dinosaurs lived millions of years ago?  Did you know that Triceratops had 3 horns? What else do you know about dinosaurs?  What else would you like to find out?

Keep checking the blog to see what else we have learnt!

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Oliver's Garden

Today we read a fantastic book about a boy named Oliver who only liked chips!   

 We looked at the pretend vegetables and talked about whether we had eaten them before!  Khalid told us about growing potatoes in Sudan. 
 Aurora designed her own vegetable garden and used adjectives to write a description!
This afternoon we have done lots of planting including aloe vera plants.  "The compost felt squidgy!"  Stanley.

Monday 16 April 2012

A Busy First Day Of Term!

Wow! We have started our new topic about plants and dinosaurs. We made dinosaur bones from salt dough, we labelled fossils AND we dug our garden ready to plant with interesting things! We will sleep well tonight...